Visit of a Delegation of Researchers from Stanford and Harvard Universities
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Visit of a Delegation of Researchers from Stanford and Harvard Universities

A delegation of academics from Stanford and Harvard Universities visited the Israel Academy on March 21, 2024. The group was in Israel for the sake of strengthening international academic ties and expressing support for Israeli science and scholarship in light of the challenges and difficulties following upon the events of October 7 and the Israel–Hamas war.

The Chairperson of the Academy's Humanities Division, Prof. Sergiu Hart, opened the meeting with an overview of the Academy's goals and its activity in the wake of the tragic events, emphasizing their impact on the academic community in Israel. Academy Member Prof. Reshef Tenne, former Chairperson of the Committee for the triennial Report on the State of the Sciences in Israel, discussed the latest report, focusing on the chapter dealing with international collaborations.

Prof. Michal Feldman, an alumna of the Israel Young Academy, shared her insights regarding the effects of the current situation on Israeli academics. She also discussed her personal acquaintance with war victims and the emotional and practical implications of these traumas on the Israeli academic community. Current Young Academy Member Prof. Miri Yamini presented the results of a survey conducted by the Young Academy on how Israeli researchers have coped in the international arena since the beginning of the war. She emphasized the challenges faced by early-career researchers, such as difficulties in promoting international collaborations and attending conferences. Prof. Yamini, too, shared her personal experiences as a researcher forced to cope with the difficulties arising from the security situation. She and Prof. Feldman both emphasized the need for support systems and for understanding from international partners.

The lectures were followed by an open discussion, allowing the guests from the US to ask questions. The delegation members expressed their admiration for the commitment of the Academy and its members to continuing their scientific and scholarly work despite the difficulties. They highlighted the importance of cross-border academic collaborations and the need to support the Israeli academic community at this time.

Prof. Michal Feldman, an alumna of the Israel Young Academy

Prof. Michal Feldman, an alumna of the Israel Young Academy

Current Young Academy Member Prof. Miri Yamini

Academy Member Prof. Reshef Tenne

The members of the delegation from Stanford and Harvard universities together with the members of the Academy Council