Promoting Science and Society:<BR>The Academy-Government Challenge
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Promoting Science and Society:
The Academy-Government Challenge

An International Workshop at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities took place on May 17-18, 2004
Date & Time: 17/05/2004
with the participation of the Presidents of National Academies:

Prof. Bruce Alberts, President, U.S. National Academy of Sciences

Prof. Etienne-Emile Baulieu, President, Académie des Sciences de France

Prof. Janne Carlsson, Former President, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Prof. Pieter Drenth, President, All European Academies (ALLEA) and Former President, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences

Prof. Jacob Ziv, President, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Israel government representatives, leaders of higher education and senior scientists

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As science becomes an ever greater part of national budgets and determinant of international economic competitiveness, is the role of the national academy of sciences under pressure to change? What new implications, challenges and opportunities come with the new environment and how do these affect the academy-government relationship? How can one best balance academic freedom, public funding and the expectation of societal “payback´´? Is there still a unique role for a fully autonomous, objective body of scholars at the highest levels of national science policy and how can such autonomy be maintained? How have different countries faced such issues and with what results?

Monday May 17
13:00-13:30 Registration and Coffee

Session I
13: 30-15:20

The Academy-Government Relationship: Differing Models of Cooperation

• Role of National Academies in the Science System and Beyond
• Relationships with Other National Actors
• Balancing Autonomy, Responsibility and Responsiveness
• National Experiences, Experiments and Future Challenges

Co-chairpersons: Prof. Pieter Drenth and Prof. Ephraim Katzir
Opening Comments: Government Representative (tbc)
Presentations: Prof. Bruce Alberts, Prof. Emile-Etienne Baulieu, Prof. Janne Carlsson, Prof. Pieter Drenth, Prof. Jacob Ziv

15:20-15:40 Coffee Break

Session II

Bringing Science to Society: The Role of National Academies and Governments

• Enhancing Public Appreciation of Science
• Enhancing Science Education
• Science’s Contributions and Responsibility to Society

Co-chairpersons: Prof. Bruce Alberts and Prof. Haim Harari
Opening Comments: Government Representative (tbc)
Presentations: MK Ilan Shalgi, Prof. Victor Lavy, Prof. Dan Shechtman

Reception (By invitation, only.)
By the President of the State, Mr. Moshe Katzav,
at the Presidential Residence

Festive Dinner (By invitation, only.)
Greetings: Minister Tzipi Livni, Prof. Aharon Barak, Prof. Bruce Alberts

Tuesday May 18
8:30-9:00 Arrival and Coffee

Session III

Promoting the Entire R&D Spectrum The Role of Academies and Governments

• Basic Research, Strategic Research and Advanced Technology
• Cooperation with Industry
• Society’s Investment in and Payback from Research

Co-Chairpersons: Prof. Janne Carlsson and Prof. Ada Yonat
Opening Comments: Minister Ehud Olmert
Presentations: Mr. Amir Elstein, Dr. Irit Pinchasi

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Session IV

Governments and Academies: Facing New Issues and Uncertainty Together

• Experiences with Specific New Issues: Biotechnology, Stem Cells and Genetically Modified Foods
• Intellectual Property Rights and Scientific Cooperation
• Science and Security
• Changing Roles and Modalities. Globalism and the InterAcademy Council

Co-Chairpersons: Prof. Etienne-Emile Baulieu and Prof. Joshua Jortner
Opening Comments: Minister Eliezer (Moodi) Sandberg
Presentations: Prof. Pieter Drenth, Prof. Hanoch Gutfreund, Prof. Michel Revel

Concluding Comments by the National Academy Presidents

Presentations: Prof. Bruce Alberts, Prof. Emile-Etienne Baulieu, Prof. Janne Carlsson, Prof. Pieter Drenth, Prof. Jacob Ziv

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