The Adams Fellowships for Research Students in the Natural & Mathematical Sciences at Israel’s Universities
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The Adams Fellowships for Research Students in the Natural & Mathematical Sciences at Israel’s Universities

The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities is to begin awarding the Adams Fellowships for Research Students in the Natural and Mathematical Sciences at Israel’s Universities
Grants totaling $1 million annually will be allocated,
starting in the 2005/2006 academic year
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities is to begin awarding the Adams Fellowships for Research Students in the Natural and Mathematical Sciences at Israel’s Universities
Grants totaling $1 million annually will be allocated,
starting in the 2005/2006 academic year.
Mr. Marcel Adams of Montreal, Canada, has asked the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities to join with him in establishing the Adams Fellowships for research students in Israel’s institutions of higher education. The Fellowships are intended for doctoral students in the natural and mathematical sciences. The recipients will be selected by a steering committee appointed by the Israel Academy, to be chaired by Academy Member, Professor Yoram Groner.
The Adams Fellows will receive continuous financial support for up to four years. Ten outstanding doctoral students at Israeli universities will be chosen annually to receive a generous grant, that will include the possibility of participation in a scientific conferences.
When fully operational, The Fellowships fund will allocate up to $1 million per year. Over the next five years, a total of 40 research students in Israel will benefit from the Adams Scholarships. The first grantees will be chosen for the 2005/2006 academic year.
At the festive inauguration ceremony in Jerusalem today, Mr. Marcel Adams expressed to the President of the Israel Academy, Professor Menahem Yaari, his view that science is the key to Israel’s future, and that the young men and women engaged in scientific research in the country’s institutions of higher education bear enormous promise for the State of Israel.
Professor Yaari and the Academy’s Council undertook the administration of the fund in the name of the Academy and expressed the Academy’s gratitude to Mr. Adams for his initiative, vision and generosity
For information and inquiries regarding the Adams' Fellowships
please address Mrs. Batsheva Shor, , Tel: 02-5676222